Hollow Chamber adopts entrepreneurial award in collaboration with hollow Youth Council

Hollow Chamber adopts entrepreneurial award in collaboration with hollow Youth Council

Council adopted the hollow Chamber of Commerce and industry at its thirteenth meeting, an annual prize for entrepreneurs, addressed to young men and women in the business sector in cooperation with the Youth Council.
Chairman of the Board, said Dr. Hamdan bin Abdullah alsmrin to build the room for this award comes from the Board of Directors believes in the role of youth in development and to activate the room’s role is to encourage the business sector, where the Council adopted the award value 90000 riyals divided into three centers for both innovators and entrepreneurs so that 1st place SR 20000, 2nd place and 3rd place 15000 10000 rials.
Dr. alsmrin said that unfair terms mechanism will be announced soon, calling the target award to compete and stand for the competitions of an active role in the development of work and the quality of the output which reflect positively on the region’s economy.
Said ceo Jouf Youth Council of Cheb, Mohannad Hadi Badr, the Board seeks to diversify its partnerships and collaboration with a number of supporters of youth activities, this award is one of the most important and strongest partnerships reached would create a competitive spirit among young people and in his own name and on behalf of the region’s young men and their gratitude and appreciation to the Board of Directors of hollow Chamber of Commerce and industry, represented by the Chairman of the Board Dr. Hamdan bin Abdullah alsmrin of the adoption of this award, The same work awarded to deserving capably to ensure continued competition among young people.